In a world full of capitalists, I start to wonder when the American Dream will happen for me. You and I work our tails off to fulfill outrageous expectations and still struggle to make ends meet as the first of the month looms its greedy head. The stress and worry of paying expenses alone is enough to make me throw my hands in the air. When I take into account the costs of transportation, food and technology, the more this all just seems like a dream – a dream in which I don’t have to run my hands through my hair and check my balance in terror. This dream also includes a hammock on a beach, a cocktail in my hand and my knight in shining armor riding through the breaking waves and throwing bundles of cash at my hammock. Then I opened my eyes and realized someone really had come to my financial rescue; even if it wasn’t a knight, my gratitude to Capital Financing for saving the day is still proportionally epic.
If you’re like me and tired of being in economic distress, visit, like our page at, follow @CapitalFinancng on Twitter, e-mail or just call us toll-free at 888-247-6998 to initiate your application NOW!